If you’re willing to give it a try (and remember, it’s a mod, so results may vary, and you won’t get any support from Platinum for it), head over the the Steam community page for download links and install instructions. If you take the word of these Reddit commenters, you could see your framerates increase from 30 fps to 60 fps. In addition, it tweaks the optimization the game’s lighting and shadows, allowing for performance increases. In more interesting Nier news, the Steam version of Nier: Automata is finally getting the patch that it deserves and that fans have been waiting for since the game launched on PC in 2017.
The aptly titled Kaldaien’s FAR Mod (Fix Automata Resolution), updates the game to run at true 1080p. The PC version of the Platinum Games title has been held back by some technical issues, like running at a stetched 900p instead of actual 1080p, but a new mod is addressing the issue. We’ve seen that with content mods and UI mods for games like Skyrim, and now it’s happening to a more recent release: Nier: Automata. One of the great things about PC gaming is that from time to time, the community will step up to either add to or fix games that it isn’t entirely happy with. A few hours ago, a new build of the game has appeared on Steam Database, hinting at.

Changes made Borderless Video Settings Borderless video settings have been implemented. Below are the full patch notes for NieR Automatas upcoming Steam Patch.

The biggest update is full 60FPS support for cutscenes (previously locked to 30FPS.

A Fidelity FX CAS feature has been added.Borderless video settings have been implemented.This update will be free to all owners of Nier: Automata on Steam, and you can see the full patch notes below Nier: Automata Steam Version Patch Notes

The problem was made even more bizarre when Nier: Automata was added to Xbox Game Pass on PC, and it was quickly discovered that it was the updated Become As Gods edition rather than the 'vanilla' Steam release.